PhD Sociology


Sound, ethical methods for results you can rely on

Qualitative research design, implementation and analysis

Project and event coordination

Process, project and program evaluation

I work with non-profits, research institutes, government departments or agencies, academic institutions and private businesses. I can help you piece together what you need to know by applying sound qualitative research and project coordination skills to your funding applications, research projects, events, and project or program evaluations. I play with jazz, messy projects and theatre, identify with she/her pronouns, and tend to sign off with my initials. — MCM
  • Consulting since 2014
  • PhD, 2014
  • Honourary Research Associate, Department of Sociology, UNB


Mary is highly professional in all aspects of her work with the MMFC: collaborating with multiple stakeholders on various family violence-related projects, proposal preparation, student supervision, project design and management, on-time deliverables, high quality written reports, and excellent communication skills. Her background as a sociologist, extensive experience, and systematic and rigorous approach enables her to successfully complete evaluation research for which she is not necessarily a subject matter expert, and to design projects that respond to the needs of clients on time and within the budget. Mary is passionate about social justice and gender equality, and has played a pivotal role in research projects with our valued community and government partners. Had she not been available to work with us, I don’t know that the MMFC could have been involved in these important projects. — Dr. Cathy Holtmann, Director Muriel McQueen Fergusson Centre for Family Violence Research
Mary Milliken has been a very valuable part of several projects at LearnSphere including: development of evaluation plans, creation of data collection tools and processes, collection and analysis of qualitative research, and preparation of informative reports. Mary asks the right questions that help us clarify scope, outcomes and timelines at the beginning, and then works with us to ensure the project stays on track and on budget. We especially appreciate Mary’s ability to identify opportunities for improving our processes in the future. — LearnSphere Canada Inc.

MCM, of settler heritage, lives and works on the traditional unceded territory of the Wolastoqiyik (Maliseet) and Mi’kmaq Peoples. This territory is covered by the “Treaties of Peace and Friendship” first signed by the Wolastoqiyik and Mi’kmaq Peoples and the British crown in 1725. These treaties did not surrender lands or resources, but recognized Mi’kmaq and Wolastoqiyik title and established rules for what was designed to be an ongoing relationship between nations.

Big thanks to great-Grandpa for making that flower pot, and all the folks who helped me build this site. Unless otherwise indicated, site content is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 Canada.

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